Friday, 22 January 2021

Dear Parents and Pupils of Rang a cúig agus Rang a sé,


Please find below the plan of work for Week 3 - 25th- 29th January 2021. I have been blown away from the experiments, activities, artwork you have been doing to the lovely music, sport's challenges and baking. You are all such a talented bunch! Well done on all the fantastic work you have been doing. Thanks to all of those who were able to join the zoom this morning, it was lovely to see you all and hear all about your news and your Christmas.


This week,  it is Catholic Week and this years theme is “Communities of Faith, Learning, Love, Resilience and Hope”. On Wednesday and Thursday, I have an activity for us to do. On Thursday, we will mark Grandparent’s Day. As always, if you have any questions/ concerns please contact me through Seesaw or via email at



Homework is also outlined on Seesaw. Caroline and I will upload a Fun Friday activity for you to try during the week and there are more ideas here:


This is an example of how you may decide to structure the learning this week. It is not prescriptive, do what works best for your family at your own discretion and work around your own schedule.


Have a lovely weekend,

 Ms. Colleran



PPT  : This means that the task and explanation is on Seesaw. 










Independent reading: Shadow - Read pg. 41-44

Shadow  – pg. 45-48 (Listen to my reading on Seesaw and follow along)

Independent reading: Shadow novel pg. 49-52

Shadow pg. 53-56 (Follow me reading first two pages and then read next two independently)

Novel activity: Write new titles for the three chapters you have read and give reasons for your choices.


Novel study: Go to English PowerPoint and complete relevant activities based on the novel. (Creating Images)

Before reading: Look at PPT English explaining both vocabulary from both stories.


5th: Up and Running – Read pg. 132-135 and answer (B)1-6 pg. 136


6th: Racing Ahead – read “The Bush Fire” pg. 144-151 and answer (c) 1-6


5th & 6th Grammar: Grammar Book pg. 53 (all)


10-15 minutes Free Writing


Look over sheet in your copy of 100 misspelt words (There will be a quiz on these next week)

Persuasive writing: Write using your plan from last week your first draft of your persuasive piece on the topic you have chosen. (See PPT for recap of features, what to include and how long it should be).

Persuasive writing: Finish drafting your persuasive writing and then use your persuasive writing checklist to edit and proof-read your work. (In booklet)

Upload the finished piece of writing to Seesaw.

Oral language: Give your opinion on each of these cards (On PPT)


Continue with learning words tests until locked out at 96 words. If finished work on blue dictation sentences. 10 minutes a day.

Continue with learning words tests until locked out at 96 words. If finished work on blue dictation sentences. 10 minutes a day.

Continue with learning words tests until locked out at 96 words. If finished work on blue dictation sentences. 10 minutes a day.

Continue with learning words tests until locked out at 96 words. If finished work on blue dictation sentences. 10 minutes a day.

Continue with learning words tests until locked out at 96 words. If finished work on blue dictation sentences. 10 minutes a day.


Léitheoireacht: Seesaw PPT Gaeilge: Listen to story on PPT and answer A and B in copy or on Template

Bun go Barr:

lth. 91 (J – read through the words + K – create sentences) Listen to explanation on Seesaw PPT


Booklet: Irish Sheet “As” (Audio and picture of sheet on Seesaw PPT)


Socrative Quiz: I have assigned a quiz on Socrative for you to do. Revise over all your Aimsir Láithreach beforehand.



Task on Seesaw – unscramble the words + write a sentence using each of the vocabulary.


Cluiche meáitseála: Matching Game where you will match the type of programme to the picture.


Scríobh faoin bpictiúr (Write about the picture - 5-7 sentences) See Seesaw PPT for helpful phrases and vocab

Maths: Topic: Capacity


(See PPT each day before beginning your work as there is explanations and instructions on what to do and how to do it)


5th & 6th


-Maths PPT Introduction to Capacity

-Task on Seesaw (Task 1+2)


Audio on Seesaw PPT


5th: pg. 161 Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5



Choose a challenge card on PPT

Q1+ Q2 on PPT   – do in copy

Audio on Seesaw PPT


5th: Task and Sheet on PPT

(Sheet on Litres and millilitres and second sheet on converting)


6th: Task on PPT Q2+Q3

Audio on Seesaw PPT


5th: Task on Seesaw (Q1, Q2 +Q3 Addition and Subtraction)


6th: Tasks Q3+ Q4 on PPT Seesaw

Design a density tower


*See Seesaw for Task: It is very important you weigh out each liquid to make sure you have an even amount of each.

Additional subject 

History: Carry out a project on Newcastle National School (See Seesaw for more information)


You will have 2 weeks to complete


You can use your second scrapbook for this or you can use a document of PowerPoint up to you.

History: Continue to work on History Project

Religion: It is Catholics Week

Find the task on Seesaw.



Religion: Catholics Week this week: 

 Find the  task on Seesaw.




Task on Seesaw 

Fun Friday Activity 

Post on Seesaw


Maths Week in Rang a Sé 🎲⌛️🧮📐📏✏️

 It was Maths Week this week! We engaged in lots of fun activities which focused on a range of topics including problem solving, using diffe...