Monday, 25 April 2016

Athenry Tidy Towns Clean Up 2016

Thank you to Cllr. Gabe Cronnelly and Pat Hynes who came to the school today to help us tidy up Newcastle. They gave us picks and gloves and we cleaned the whole school, down to the pitch and down to Templemoyle graveyard. We gathered up a load of rubbish and Newcastle looks spick and span after all of our hard work. Well done everyone.

Cllr. Gabe Cronnelly and Pat Hynes gave us great help. Thank you lads!

5th and 6th class ready for off!

We found a dangerous Stanley knife.

Thank you Gabe for the help.

Well done to everyone involved in the clean up.

Maths Week in Rang a Sé 🎲⌛️🧮📐📏✏️

 It was Maths Week this week! We engaged in lots of fun activities which focused on a range of topics including problem solving, using diffe...