Thursday, 10 March 2016

Remembering 1916

We have been very busy over the past few weeks remembering 1916 . In English we have rewritten the proclamation. In I.T class we typed up our proclamations. We decorated the proclamations and we signed them. In Art, we made models of the G.P.O, Sackville Street and Kilmainham jail.  We will display all of our work on Tuesday. We are learning all about the rising in History and in drama class we did role plays about different aspects of the rising. 

Working on our diorama.

A fabulous model of the G.P.O in the making.


A destroyed building on Sackville Street.

Fabulous details on this model.

A terrific model.

Kilmainham jail.

We did a great job.

Well done girls.

We have loads of information about the Easter rising in 5th and 6th class.

Maths Week in Rang a Sé 🎲⌛️🧮📐📏✏️

 It was Maths Week this week! We engaged in lots of fun activities which focused on a range of topics including problem solving, using diffe...