Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Election Fever Hits Newcastle 2016

We had great fun in drama class today. We got into groups and one person was the person up for election. We had canvassers and people at the door steps in our dramas. The election candidates were put on the spot with lots of different questions about water charges, homelessness and getting rid of taxes. Some politicians were telling us they were going to get soft seats for all primary school children to sit on! Promises, promises!

We made leaflets and flyers to give out to the people we visited.

Election posters!

We asked lots of tricky questions.

Vote for me!

2 old dears complaining about the price of tea and Digestives!

We had a scuffle between 2 rival candidates who arrived at the door at the same time!

We had to work hard to convince them to vote for us!

I promise to get soft seats for all primary school children!

Will you abolish the water charges??

Painful advertising on the face! It was sore to remove it!

Maths Week in Rang a Sé 🎲⌛️🧮📐📏✏️

 It was Maths Week this week! We engaged in lots of fun activities which focused on a range of topics including problem solving, using diffe...