Wednesday 28 September 2022

Ready for Road - Cycling Right Course in Rang a Sé 🚴🏻‍♀️. 🚴🏻‍♂️

Over the last four weeks, 6th class have been taking part in the Cycling Right Programme provided by Cycling Safe Ireland.

CYCLE RIGHT is produced and supported by the Department of Transport, the Road Safety Authority and Cycling Ireland, with input from central and local agencies and other groups.

CYCLE RIGHT is a cyclist road safety training programme designed to give cyclists the knowledge and skills to move safely through the road system, an environment shared with other road users.  Pupils were provided with the skills needed to move as cyclists in complex, changing, road environments. Pupils also had to apply dynamic thinking, assessing conditions and the environment on the road as they go through their journey.

Thank you to Richard and Natasha from Cycling Right for an insightful and enjoyable 4 weeks. We looked forward to it every Wednesday! 

Please see below a short video of what we got up to over the last four weeks. 

Video Clip of Cycling Right Course

Maths Week in Rang a Sé 🎲⌛️🧮📐📏✏️

 It was Maths Week this week! We engaged in lots of fun activities which focused on a range of topics including problem solving, using diffe...